Aspire Ambassadors

Are you an enthusiastic performer over the age of 16 looking to take on a leadership role? Aspire Performing Company is excited to offer the new opportunity to become an Aspire Ambassador! As an Ambassador, you will assist the director in working with younger performer groups, providing guidance, support, and inspiration. This role is perfect for those who want to develop their leadership skills and make a positive impact on our theater community. This is a paid position.

How it works

There will be 2 ambassadors per group working directly with and assisting the director with choreography and musical instruction

  • Thrive

  • Ignite

  • Unity

Apply for the position

You will need to provide the following:

  • Headshot

  • Resume

    • Includes both acting/dance/theater experience 

    • Also includes any previous  job experience

    • References 2-3

  • Submit a video interview answering the questions below 

  • The position responsibilities would be

    • Work directly with the director on needed choreography and music instruction

    • Take roll of students in the class

    • Work professionally with young performers in a safe and happy environment

    • Work with young performers to help them learn and grow within the duration of the course. 

    • Be on time = 5-10 minutes early

    • Communicate with stage manager with specific needs for the performers and performance

    • Provide an engaging environment that young performers want to be a part of

    • Resolve conflicts that may arise amongst performers

    • Work with the production team to prepare for and help with the production of the show

Application Questions

1 Introduction and Experience:

Can you tell us a little about yourself and your experience with theater?

Have you had any previous roles or positions within Aspire Performing Company or other theater groups? If so, can you tell us about that experience?

2. Leadership Skills:

Why do you want to be an ambassador for the upcoming fall session?

Describe a time when you took on a leadership role. What challenges did you face, and how did you overcome them?

How would you handle a situation where a younger performer is struggling with their lines or blocking?

3. Communication Skills:

How do you plan to effectively communicate with both the younger performers and the adult director and/or stage manager?

Can you give an example of a time when you had to resolve a conflict within a group? How did you handle it?

4. Teamwork and Collaboration:

How do you see your role as an ambassador fitting into the overall production team?

How would you foster a sense of teamwork and camaraderie among the younger performers?

5. Organizational Skills:

What strategies would you use to keep rehearsals organized and on schedule?

How would you prioritize tasks during a busy rehearsal period?

6. Creativity and Problem-Solving:

If a scene isn’t working well, what steps would you take to improve it while keeping the performers engaged and motivated?

Describe a time when you had to think outside the box to solve a problem in a production.

7. Passion and Motivation:

What excites you most about the production of Villains and working with younger performers?

How would you inspire and motivate younger performers who might be nervous or unsure of their abilities?

8. Responsibility and Reliability:

How do you manage your time and responsibilities, especially balancing school, theater, and other activities?

What would you do if you encountered a scheduling conflict with your responsibilities as an ambassador?

9. Feedback and Improvement:

How do you handle receiving feedback from peers, directors, or performers?

Can you describe a time when you had to give constructive feedback to someone? How did you approach it?

10. Commitment and Vision:

What do you hope to achieve as an ambassador in this production?

How do you envision your role contributing to the overall success of Villains?

Bonus Questions

  • How would you handle a situation where a younger performer disagrees with your direction or approach?

  • Can you think of any innovative activities or exercises that would help younger performers prepare for their roles?

  • What do you believe is the most important quality for an ambassador to have?

  • Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?

Please email video application to with ASPIRE AMBASSADOR / (YOUR FULL NAME) in the Subject line.